Nomura Global Shariah Semiconductor Equity Fund

Investment Objective

Nomura Global Shariah Semiconductor Equity Fund image

The Fund aims to achieve long-term capital growth.

Nomura Global Shariah Semiconductor Equity Fund thumnail

The Fund will invest in quality companies from the viewpoint of intellectual property, pricing power, high growth, profit margin and strong balance sheet. The Investment Adviser adopts a detailed analysis of cash flow and other fundamentals to identify quality companies that have strong competitive advantages, consistent cash returns to shareholders, skilled management, a track record of attractive returns on capital,  and the opportunities to make attractive reinvestments.

The Fund seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing a minimum of 70% of its NAV in Shariah-compliant equities and Shariah-compliant equity-related securities such as Shariah-compliant American Depositary Receipts, Shariah-compliant Global Depositary Receipts, Shariah-compliant Non-Voting Depositary Receipts, Shariah-compliant Participatory Notes, Shariah-compliant rights issues and Shariah-compliant warrants of companies that are involved in the manufacturing ecosystem of semiconductor listed in the global markets. Up to 30% of the Fund’s NAV will be invested in Islamic liquid assets such as Islamic money market instruments, Islamic deposits and/or held in cash.

The Fund may also invest a maximum of 20% of the Fund’s NAV in Islamic collective investment schemes to access investment opportunities which are not available through direct investment in Shariah-compliant equities and Shariah-compliant equity-related securities.

Investment Strategy

Investment Manager

Nomura Global Shariah Semiconductor Equity Fund image

Leslie Yap, CFA

Designated Fund Manager

Leslie is the Head of Investments in NAMM and is the designated person responsible for the fund management of the Fund. He oversees the developed markets equities team based in  Kuala Lumpur and is responsible for the  investment management of developed markets equities (including ethical and Shariah-compliant  listed equities). Leslie’s team  works closely with Nomura Asset Management’s  London office where dedicated global sector specialists sit. Leslie is also a contributing member of a number of investment committees within the Nomura Asset Management group.

Leslie brings with him over 19 years of industry experience in the area of funds management and research coverage. He was managing Malaysian equities fund for a local insurance company prior to relocating to a research house in Shanghai where he  expanded his research coverage to include Hong Kong and Chinese companies. Leslie holds a Bachelor of  engineering in Manufacturing and Operations Management from the University of Nottingham in  United Kingdom. Leslie also holds a Capital Markets Services Representative Licence.

Key Facts


Fund Category : Equity (Shariah-compliant)

A Shariah-compliant global equity fund


Performance Benchmark

Nasdaq Global Semiconductor Index


Asset Allocation

A minimum of 70% of the Fund’s NAV to be invested in Shariah-compliant equities and Shariah-compliant equity-related securities; and

A maximum of 30% of the Fund’s NAV to be invested in Islamic money market instruments, Islamic deposits and/or held in cash.


Target Investors

The Fund is for investors who are seeking for long-term capital growth and opportunities from companies globally that are involved in the manufacturing ecosystem of semiconductor which comply with the Shariah, and has a high risk tolerance.


Share Class

MYR Class
USD Class


Transaction Details

Minimum Initial Investment – MYR 1,000 (MYR Class), USD 1,000 (USD Class)

Minimum Subsequent Investment – MYR 500 (MYR Class), USD 500 (USD Class)



Nomura Global Shariah Semiconductor Equity Fund is distributed by distribution partners below:

FSMOne (e-host)

Philip Mutual Berhad (e-host)

UOB Kay Hian Securities

TA Investment Management

Kenanga Investors Berhad

Al Rajhi Banking & Investment Corporation (Malaysia) Bhd

Affin Bank Berhad

Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad



Nomura Global Shariah Semiconductor Equity Fund image

Fees & Charges

Sales charge

Up to 5.00% of the NAV per Unit

Management fees

Up to 1.80% per annum of the NAV of each Class

Trustee fees

Up to 0.05% per annum of the NAV of the Fund and subject to a minimum fee of RM15,000 per annum

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The marketing materials appeared on this website were prepared by Nomura Asset Management Malaysia (Registration No.: 200601028939 (748695-A), for information purposes only and is not intended as an offer, solicitation or recommendation with respect to the purchase or sale of any particular investment. These materials have not been reviewed by the Securities Commission Malaysia (“SC”). Before investing, investors are advised to read and understand the contents of Nomura Global Shariah Semiconductor Equity Fund (“Fund”)’s Prospectus dated 25 July 2022 (“Prospectus”) and Product Highlights Sheet (“PHS”) which highlights the key features and risks of the Fund. Both the Prospectus and PHS have been lodged with the SC but it should not be taken to indicate that SC recommends the Fund. SC takes no responsibility for the contents of the Prospectus, the PHS and any marketing material appearing on this website; makes no representations as to their accuracy or completeness; and expressly disclaims all liability arising from, or in reliance upon the whole or any part of their contents. Copies of the Prospectus and PHS can be obtained from our office or on this website, and application for units can only be made on receipt of an application form referred to and accompanying a copy of the Prospectus. Among others, investors should be aware: i) of the risks and costs involved in investing in the Fund; ii) that the price of units (in the Fund) and distributions payable (if any) may go down as well as up; and iii) that past performance of the Fund and target fund (if any) should not be taken as an indication of its future performance. Investors should make their own risk assessment and seek professional advice, where necessary.