Nomura Ringgit Bond Fund 2
Investment Objective

The Nomura Ringgit Bond Fund 2 (‘Fund’) is a wholesale fixed income fund which seeks to generate regular income on behalf of its investors.

The Fund seeks to generate regular income by investing in fixed income securities whilst carefully considering capital preservation on behalf of its investors.
The Fund Manager considers the different sources of returns and liquidity profiles from an array of fixed income instruments denominated in Ringgit Malaysia, to achieve the investment objectives of the Fund.
Investment Strategy
Investment Manager

Eugene Martin
Designated Fund Manager
Eugene joined NAMM in August 2019 as Portfolio Manager attached to the Malaysian Fixed Income and Global Sukuk team. Prior to joining NAMM, Eugene was a strategist for Fixed Income Currency and Commodities of CIMB Investment Bank. He was also Fund Manager and Senior Credit Analyst for AmFunds Management.
As Portfolio Manager at NAMM, Eugene is a contributing member of the Emerging Bond Investment meetings held regularly and jointly with other Emerging Bond market specialists from Nomura Asset Management offices in New York, Singapore, Tokyo, London and Frankfurt.
Eugene holds a Masters of Applied Economics from the Australian National University and a Bachelor in Health Sciences (Hons) Biomedicine from Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Key Facts
Fund Type
Fixed Income (Wholesale Fund)
Performance Benchmark
Malayan Banking Berhad 12-month Fixed Deposit Rate
Asset Allocation
Fixed income securities denominated in Ringgit Malaysia and Deposits and money at call with financial institutions
Target Investors
The Fund is suitable for investors who has regular cash flow requirements, emphasizes on capital preservation and has an investment horizon of less than 3 years
Base Currency
Transaction Details
Minimum Initial Investment – MYR 500,000
Minimum Subsequent Investment – MYR 250,000
Nomura Ringgit Bond Fund 2 is distributed by distribution partners below:
Philip Mutual Berhad (e-host)
UOB Kay Hian Securities

Fees & Charges

Sales Charge

Management Fee
Up to 0.25% p.a. on the NAV of each Class

Trustee Fee
0.03% p.a. on the NAV of the Fund with a minimum yearly fee of RM 12,000
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Product Highlights Sheet
Fund Factsheet
Semi/Quarterly Report
Annual Report
First Supplementary Information Memorandum
The marketing materials appeared on this website were prepared by Nomura Asset Management Malaysia (Registration No.: 200601028939 (748695-A), for information purposes only and is not intended as an offer, solicitation or recommendation with respect to the purchase or sale of any particular investment. These materials have not been reviewed by the Securities Commission Malaysia (“SC”). Before investing, investors are advised to read and understand the contents of Nomura Ringgit Bond Fund 2 (“Fund”)’s Information Memorandum dated [24 July 2020] (“IM”) and Product Highlights Sheet (“PHS”) which highlights the key features and risks of the Fund. Both the IM and PHS have been lodged with the SC but it should not be taken to indicate that SC recommends the Fund. SC takes no responsibility for the contents of the IM, the PHS and any marketing material appearing on this website; makes no representations as to their accuracy or completeness; and expressly disclaims all liability arising from, or in reliance upon the whole or any part of their contents. Copies of the IM and PHS can be obtained from our office or on this website, and application for units can only be made on receipt of an application form referred to and accompanying a copy of the IM. Among others, investors should be aware: i) of the risks and costs involved in investing in the Fund; ii) that the price of units (in the Fund) and distributions payable (if any) may go down as well as up; and iii) that past performance of the Fund and target fund (if any) should not be taken as an indication of its future performance. Investors should make their own risk assessment and seek professional advice, where necessary.